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Jackknife Estimation


jackknife(object, ...)

# S4 method for class 'numeric'
jackknife(object, do, ..., f = NULL)



A numeric vector.


Extra arguments to be passed to do.


A function that takes object as an argument and returns a single numeric value.


A function that takes a single numeric vector (the leave-one-out values of do) as argument.


If f is NULL (the default), jackknife() returns a named numeric vector with the following elements:


The observed value of do applied to object.


The jackknife estimate of mean of do.


The jackknife estimate of bias of do.


he jackknife estimate of standard error of do.

If f is a function, jackknife() returns the result of f applied to the leave-one-out values of do.

See also

Other resampling methods: bootstrap()


N. Frerebeau


x <- rnorm(20)

## Bootstrap
bootstrap(x, do = mean, n = 100)
#>   original       mean       bias      error 
#> 0.16598229 0.16920507 0.00322278 0.21290410 

## Estimate the 25th and 95th percentiles
quant <- function(x) { quantile(x, probs = c(0.25, 0.75)) }
bootstrap(x, n = 100, do = mean, f = quant)
#>        25%        75% 
#> 0.04353926 0.31796223 

## Get the n bootstrap values
bootstrap(x, n = 100, do = mean, f = function(x) { x })
#>   [1] -0.134917467  0.253760075 -0.064675771 -0.140809858  0.455947373
#>   [6]  0.213983815  0.196210451  0.099908964 -0.296733887 -0.119850799
#>  [11]  0.118366473 -0.284519619 -0.146630253  0.118460533  0.076898099
#>  [16]  0.539367493  0.218444817  0.213597934 -0.042169090  0.360466541
#>  [21] -0.124255012 -0.132997955  0.151614276  0.228940981  0.003373803
#>  [26]  0.092416532  0.206588480  0.306116562  0.120925361  0.120793195
#>  [31]  0.184290522  0.053559998  0.476776902 -0.246857199  0.118787874
#>  [36]  0.018281825  0.009212510  0.230146604  0.208306334  0.126052441
#>  [41]  0.365973626  0.298099535 -0.010088778  0.036630307 -0.022314473
#>  [46]  0.419389900  0.265151228 -0.088192478  0.095860729  0.160796198
#>  [51] -0.012741747 -0.068974846 -0.104448217  0.258792012  0.140757269
#>  [56]  0.393412777  0.084320022  0.182078560  0.135929209  0.557696283
#>  [61]  0.224675605 -0.199221549  0.023791573  0.337681331  0.351483128
#>  [66]  0.212835512  0.136610134  0.298267439  0.346560244  0.180953742
#>  [71]  0.354643769 -0.061265730 -0.086797454  0.083831877  0.098110049
#>  [76] -0.064267806  0.290736918  0.360256437 -0.054748577 -0.102948876
#>  [81]  0.014794758  0.143079499 -0.010388815  0.233308891  0.022045599
#>  [86]  0.017547565  0.117126863  0.061413693  0.404698885 -0.153191689
#>  [91]  0.242601159  0.280123509 -0.067535924 -0.060736928  0.012698300
#>  [96]  0.184779716  0.016434007 -0.313326247 -0.015372042  0.236452785

## Jackknife
jackknife(x, do = mean) # Sample mean
#>  original      mean      bias     error 
#> 0.1659823 0.1659823 0.0000000 0.2126934 

## Get the leave-one-out values instead of summary
jackknife(x, do = mean, f = function(x) { x })
#>  [1] 0.19818477 0.20310250 0.20462032 0.12276561 0.28212782 0.18031634
#>  [7] 0.08386451 0.15273009 0.19030649 0.12084963 0.18365068 0.22070922
#> [13] 0.16211979 0.17601232 0.12953007 0.10611419 0.19517462 0.17605627
#> [19] 0.16183668 0.06957391