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Operators performing arithmetic operations.


# S4 method for class 'RataDie,RataDie'
Arith(e1, e2)

# S4 method for class 'numeric,RataDie'
Arith(e1, e2)

# S4 method for class 'RataDie,numeric'
Arith(e1, e2)


e1, e2

A RataDie object or a numeric vector.


A logical vector.


Rata die will be converted to a plain numeric vector if a computation no longer makes sense in temporal terms.

See also

Other fixed date tools: as_date(), as_decimal(), as_fixed(), as_year(), fixed(), fixed_gregorian, fixed_julian, format(), pretty()


N. Frerebeau


## Vectors of years
x <- fixed(c(-350, 31, 1072, 576, 1130), calendar = CE())
y <- fixed(c(1494, 1645, -869, 1440, 1851), calendar = CE())

## Move forward in time
x + y
#> Rata die: number of days since 01-01-01 (Gregorian).
#> [1]  417109  611418   73414  735599 1088058

## Move backward in time
x - y
#> Rata die: number of days since 01-01-01 (Gregorian).
#> [1] -673507 -589502  708936 -315569 -263340

## Not rata die anymore
x * y
#> [1]  -69907940292    6579840680 -124300159175  110380523760  278630563941