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New classes and methods

  • Add scale_midpoint to rescale a continuous vector to have specified minimum, midpoint and maximum.

arkhe 1.6.0

CRAN release: 2024-02-22

New classes and methods

  • Add describe() to quickly describe a matrix-like object.
  • Add sparsity() to computes data sparsity (proportion of zeros).

arkhe 1.5.0

CRAN release: 2024-01-19

New classes and methods

  • Add palette_color_continuous() and palette_color_discrete() for color mapping.
  • Add palette_shape() and palette_size() for symbol shape and size mapping.
  • Add clean_whitespace() to remove leading/trailing Whitespace.
  • Add seek_*() and get_*() to find and get rows/columns by names in a data.frame.


  • compact() and remove_*() gained a new verbose argument to report extra information on progress.

Bugfixes & changes

arkhe 1.4.0

CRAN release: 2023-11-17

New classes and methods

  • Add %||% to replace NULL with a default value.
  • Add %+% to concatenate character vectors.
  • Add scale_range to rescale a continuous vector to have specified minimum and maximum.

Bugfixes & changes

  • Remove deprecated methods.
  • Remove na.rm argument of numeric predicates (so that the length of the output equals the length of the input).

arkhe 1.3.0

CRAN release: 2023-09-01

New classes and methods

Bugfixes & changes

  • Remove deprecated methods.
  • Deprecate to_long() and wide_to_long().


  • Use tinytest instead of testthat.

arkhe 1.2.0

CRAN release: 2023-05-11

New classes and methods

Bugfixes & changes

  • jackknife() gained a new argument to apply a function on the leave-one-out values (f).


  • Add with_seed() to evaluate an expression with a temporarily seed.

arkhe 1.1.0

CRAN release: 2023-01-18

New classes and methods

  • Add needs() to check for the availability of a package.

Bugfixes & changes

arkhe 1.0.0

CRAN release: 2022-10-28

New classes and methods

Bugfixes & changes

Breaking changes

arkhe 0.5.0

CRAN release: 2022-06-15

New classes and methods

  • Add assign_rownames() and assign_colnames() to make a specific row/column the column/row names of a data.frame.
  • Add assert_count() to validate count data (absolute frequencies/integer).
  • Add count() to count values by rows/columns according to a given predicate.
  • Add detect() to find rows/columns in an array-like object according to a given predicate.
  • Add compact() to remove rows/columns in an array-like object according to a given predicate.
  • Add jackknife() for jackknife estimation.
  • Add confidence() to compute confidence interval for the mean.

arkhe 0.4.0

CRAN release: 2021-09-18

New classes and methods

  • Add replace_Inf() to replace infinite values in a matrix-like object.
  • Add replace_zero() to replace zero in a matrix-like object.
  • Add remove_Inf() to remove infinite values in a matrix-like object.
  • Add assert_*() and validate() to validate objects.
  • Add get_dates(), set_dates()<- to extract/replace dates slot.
  • Add get_terminus(), set_terminus()<-, get_tpq(), set_tpq()<-, get_taq(), set_taq()<- to extract/replace tpq and taq slots.
  • Add summary() for AbundanceMatrix objects.


  • AbundanceMatrix class gained a new slot to store the sample sizes (totals).
  • AbundanceMatrix class gained two new slots to store chronological information (dates, tpq, taq).
  • Add AbundanceSummary class to store summary of an AbundanceMatrix object.

arkhe 0.3.1

CRAN release: 2021-05-14

Bugfixes & changes

  • Fix warning “data length differs from size of matrix” in examples (R-devel).

arkhe 0.3.0

CRAN release: 2021-04-09

New classes and methods

  • Add replace_NA() to replace missing values.
  • Add remove_NA(), remove_zero() and remove_empty() to remove missing values, zeros and empty rows/columns in a matrix.
  • Add get_samples(), set_samples()<-, get_groups() and set_groups()<- to extract/replace samples and groups slots.

Bugfixes & changes

  • Change OccurrenceMatrix inheritance (from NumericMatrix to IntegerMatrix).
  • Rename AbundanceMatrix (ambiguous) to CompositionMatrix.
  • Deprecate as_abundance().
  • Remove SimilarityMatrix class.
  • as_long() gained a new reverse argument.

arkhe 0.2.2

CRAN release: 2020-03-23

Bugfixes & changes

  • CRAN package check error has been fixed (random error with testthat).
  • CRAN package check warnings have been fixed (remove nomnoml from suggested packages).

arkhe 0.2.1

CRAN release: 2020-02-15

Bugfixes & changes

  • CRAN package check warnings have been fixed (“documented arguments not in ” in the r-devel checks).

arkhe 0.2.0

CRAN release: 2019-12-18

  • Initial version on CRAN.

arkhe 0.1.0

  • Beta release.