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Samples randomly from the elements of object with replacement.


# S4 method for class 'DiversityIndex'
bootstrap(object, n = 1000, f = NULL)



An R object (typically a DiversityIndex object).


A non-negative integer giving the number of bootstrap replications.


A function that takes a single numeric vector (the result of do) as argument.


If f is NULL (the default), bootstrap() returns a named numeric vector with the following elements:


The observed value of do applied to object.


The bootstrap estimate of mean of do.


The bootstrap estimate of bias of do.


he bootstrap estimate of standard error of do.

If f is a function, bootstrap() returns the result of f applied to the n values of do.

See also

Other resampling methods: jackknife(), resample()


N. Frerebeau


## Data from Conkey 1980, Kintigh 1989

## Shannon diversity index
(h <- heterogeneity(cantabria, method = "shannon"))
#> [1] 3.269200 2.955298 2.491683 2.485604 2.329187

## Bootstrap resampling
bootstrap(h, f = NULL)
#>                  original     mean         bias      error
#> Altamira         3.269200 3.278498  0.009297979 0.08048385
#> Cueto de la Mina 2.955298 2.972580  0.017281827 0.15700290
#> El Juyo          2.491683 2.521575  0.029891792 0.19021698
#> El Cierro        2.485604 2.487144  0.001539771 0.22464720
#> La Paloma        2.329187 2.310936 -0.018250257 0.26487280

bootstrap(h, f = summary)
#>                      Min.  1st Qu.   Median     Mean  3rd Qu.     Max.
#> Altamira         2.992719 3.222878 3.280765 3.276743 3.334473 3.549729
#> Cueto de la Mina 2.356353 2.894522 2.983316 2.977874 3.078325 3.369425
#> El Juyo          1.721241 2.376338 2.521911 2.515313 2.655347 3.117557
#> El Cierro        1.559581 2.351641 2.510941 2.486987 2.634027 2.978305
#> La Paloma        1.273028 2.151884 2.334882 2.308805 2.491505 2.931322

quant <- function(x) quantile(x, probs = c(0.25, 0.50))
bootstrap(h, f = quant)
#>                       25%      50%
#> Altamira         3.229277 3.287153
#> Cueto de la Mina 2.888914 2.986238
#> El Juyo          2.406740 2.535562
#> El Cierro        2.341829 2.499437
#> La Paloma        2.152664 2.339654