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Combines radiocarbon dates.


c14_combine(ages, errors, ...)

# S4 method for class 'numeric,numeric'
c14_combine(ages, errors, groups = NULL)



A numeric vector giving the BP ages to be calibrated.


A numeric vector giving the standard deviation of the ages to be calibrated.


Currently not used.


A factor in the sense that as.factor(groups) defines the the groups to combine with. If NULL (the default), all dates are combined. NAs will be treated as isolated dates.


A data.frame with the following columns:

groupsGroup names
agesCombined 14C ages
errorsCombined 14C standard deviations
chi2Chi-squared test statistic
pChi-squared test p-value


Ward, G. K. and Wilson, S. R. (1978). Procedures for Comparing and Combining Radiocarbon Age Determinations: A Critique. Archaeometry 20(1): 19‑31. doi:10.1111/j.1475-4754.1978.tb00208.x .

See also


N. Frerebeau


## Replicate Ward and Wilson (1978), p. 28
polach1972 <- data.frame(
  samples = c("ANU-7", "ANU-7", "ANU-7", "W-1571", "ANU-5",
              "C-800", "L-698D", "FSU-3", "Tx-44"),
  ages = c(14550, 15000, 13700, 14650, 11700, 10860, 11840, 11245, 10700),
  errors = c(270, 600, 300, 500, 260, 410, 100, 450, 210)

  ages = polach1972$ages,
  errors = polach1972$errors,
  groups = polach1972$samples
#>   groups     ages  errors     chi2         p
#> 1 W-1571 14650.00 500.000       NA        NA
#> 2  ANU-5 11700.00 260.000       NA        NA
#> 3  C-800 10860.00 410.000       NA        NA
#> 4 L-698D 11840.00 100.000       NA        NA
#> 5  FSU-3 11245.00 450.000       NA        NA
#> 6  Tx-44 10700.00 210.000       NA        NA
#> 7  ANU-7 14253.17 190.325 6.157902 0.1041756