An S4 class to store the results of a principal components analysis.
This class inherits from MultivariateAnalysis
## Load data
## Compute principal components analysis
X <- pca(iris, sup_quali = "Species")
## Get eigenvalues
#> eigenvalues variance cumulative
#> F1 2.9184978 73.342264 73.34226
#> F2 0.9140305 22.969715 96.31198
#> F3 0.1467569 3.688021 100.00000
## Get individual cos2
head(get_cos2(X, margin = 1))
#> F1 F2 F3 .sup
#> 1 0.9539975 0.04286032 0.0030335249 FALSE
#> 2 0.8927725 0.09369248 0.0113475382 FALSE
#> 3 0.9790410 0.02047578 0.0003422122 FALSE
#> 4 0.9346682 0.06308947 0.0014732682 FALSE
#> 5 0.9315095 0.06823959 0.0000403979 FALSE
#> 6 0.6600989 0.33978301 0.0001114335 FALSE
## Get variable contributions
get_contributions(X, margin = 2)
#> F1 F2 F3
#> Sepal.Length 27.150969 14.24440565 51.777574
#> Sepal.Width 7.254804 85.24748749 5.972245
#> Petal.Length 33.687936 0.05998389 2.019990
#> Petal.Width 31.906291 0.44812296 40.230191
## Get correlations between variables and dimensions
#> F1 F2 F3 .sup
#> Sepal.Length 0.8901688 0.36082989 -0.27565767 FALSE
#> Sepal.Width -0.4601427 0.88271627 0.09361987 FALSE
#> Petal.Length 0.9915552 0.02341519 0.05444699 FALSE
#> Petal.Width 0.9649790 0.06399985 0.24298265 FALSE