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Produces an activity or a tempo plot.


# S4 method for class 'EventDate,missing'
  type = c("activity", "tempo"),
  event = FALSE,
  calendar = getOption("kairos.calendar"),
  select = 1,
  n = 500,
  eps = 1e-09,
  col.accumulation = "black",
  col.event = "red",
  flip = FALSE,
  ncol = NULL,
  xlab = NULL,
  ylab = NULL,
  main = NULL,
  sub = NULL,
  ann = graphics::par("ann"),
  axes = TRUE,
  frame.plot = axes,



An EventDate object.


A character string indicating the type of plot. It must be one of "activity" (default) or "tempo" (see details). Any unambiguous substring can be given.


A logical scalar: should the distribution of the event date be displayed? Only used if type is "activity".


An aion::TimeScale object specifying the target calendar (see aion::calendar()).


A numeric or character vector giving the selection of the assemblage that are drawn.


A length-one non-negative numeric vector giving the desired length of the vector of quantiles for density computation.


A length-one numeric value giving the cutoff below which values will be removed.


A color specification for the accumulation density curve.


A color specification for the event density curve.


A logical scalar: should the y-axis (ticks and numbering) be flipped from side 2 (left) to 4 (right) from series to series when facet is "multiple"?


An integer specifying the number of columns to use when facet is "multiple". Defaults to 1 for up to 4 series, otherwise to 2.

xlab, ylab

A character vector giving the x and y axis labels.


A character string giving a main title for the plot.


A character string giving a subtitle for the plot.


A logical scalar: should the default annotation (title and x and y axis labels) appear on the plot?


A logical scalar: should axes be drawn on the plot?


A logical scalar: should a box be drawn around the plot?


Further parameters to be passed to panel (e.g. graphical parameters).


plot() is called it for its side-effects: it results in a graphic being displayed (invisibly returns x).

Event and Acccumulation Dates

plot() displays the probability estimate density curves of archaeological assemblage dates (event and accumulation dates; Bellanger and Husi 2012). The event date is plotted as a line, while the accumulation date is shown as a grey filled area.

The accumulation date can be displayed as a tempo plot (Dye 2016) or an activity plot (Philippe and Vibet 2020):


A tempo plot estimates the cumulative occurrence of archaeological events, such as the slope of the plot directly reflects the pace of change.


An activity plot displays the first derivative of the tempo plot.


Bellanger, L. & Husi, P. (2012). Statistical Tool for Dating and Interpreting Archaeological Contexts Using Pottery. Journal of Archaeological Science, 39(4), 777-790. doi:10.1016/j.jas.2011.06.031 .

Dye, T. S. (2016). Long-Term Rhythms in the Development of Hawaiian Social Stratification. Journal of Archaeological Science, 71, 1-9. doi:10.1016/j.jas.2016.05.006 .

Philippe, A. & Vibet, M.-A. (2020). Analysis of Archaeological Phases Using the R Package ArchaeoPhases. Journal of Statistical Software, Code Snippets, 93(1), 1-25. doi:10.18637/jss.v093.c01 .

See also


N. Frerebeau


## Data from Peeples and Schachner 2012
data("zuni", package = "folio")

## Assume that some assemblages are reliably dated (this is NOT a real example)
zuni_dates <- c(
  LZ0569 = 1097, LZ0279 = 1119, CS16 = 1328, LZ0066 = 1111,
  LZ0852 = 1216, LZ1209 = 1251, CS144 = 1262, LZ0563 = 1206,
  LZ0329 = 1076, LZ0005Q = 859, LZ0322 = 1109, LZ0067 = 863,
  LZ0578 = 1180, LZ0227 = 1104, LZ0610 = 1074

## Model the event and accumulation date for each assemblage
model <- event(zuni, zuni_dates, rank = 10)
plot(model, select = 1:10, event = TRUE, flip = TRUE)