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nexus 0.3.0

CRAN release: 2024-09-03

New classes and methods


  • Add example datasets.
  • Improve bar chart rendering.

Bugfixes & changes

  • Fix pca() for LogRatio objects (default arguments were not passed to the internal method).


  • Store groups as factor instead of character.

Breaking changes

  • [ always returns a CompositionMatrix object by default, even if only one row/column is accessed.
  • Remove samples slot in all classes.
  • Remove as_features().
  • Remove metrix_var() and metric_sd().
  • Remove the base argument of transform_ilr().
  • Rename get_totals() and set_totals() to totals().
  • Rename get_groups() and get_groups() to groups().
  • Rename outliers() to detect_outlier() and redefine methods.
  • Rewrite plot() method for OutlierIndex object.

nexus 0.2.0

CRAN release: 2024-02-26

New classes and methods

  • Add hist() methods to plot ILR histograms.
  • Add quantile() methods for compositional data matrix.
  • Add split() methods to divide into groups.


  • transform_ilr() gained a new argument allowing the specify the base of the transformation.
  • barplot() gained a new argument to display a legend.


  • List dimensio in Depends.

nexus 0.1.0

CRAN release: 2023-11-29

  • First release.